Sunday, August 24, 2008

One Photo per Day

Vancouver 2008

Construction work in progress: in the area of the future Olympic village, we currently have a forest of cranes...

Downtown Vancouver from the Lions Gate Bridge

Celebration of Light

As every year, we had the chance to see in vancouver a fireworks competition taking place in English Bay. This last wednesday , it was the Chinese fireworks, very beautiful. We were staying in probably my favourite spot for this event, between the waterfront and the maritime Museum, sitting on the rocks, very close to the water to see the boats shadows and the reflections of light.

Cherry Trees in UBC

Every spring, cherry trees bloom and make beautiful photos.

Broadway in the sunset

A Vancouver nous avons souvent la chance de pouvoir profiter de superbes couchers de soleils, ce même après une journée de pluie...

Sunset over Burrard Bridge

One of my favorite photos of Vancouver, the wallpaper of one of my computer at work for many months now. This starts a series to try to post one photo per day, as prompted by Alex's effort about Prague.

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